Thursday, May 19, 2005

Why the Filibuster System is Busted

The filibuster. A number of my friends never had heared the word before the last few weeks. Now it is all over the news. However, it has been a part of American politics for many years. It has been employed, from time to time, to block a vote. Thus the Democrats are doing now. However, it is now hurting our country.
I find one of the most telling things about the filibuster is the reaction that people have when they first hear about it. The reactions I have seen without exception are negative. The simple fact that politicans can block a vote simply by talking is astounding to the less politically astute. Furthermore, that they can do it to keep judges from the bench scares some. There is good reason for this.
Judges are the backbone of American judical system. If partisan politics can influence the judical system in this way, the system of checks and balances is thrown out the window. This is a dangerous precident. If the legistative can hamstring the judical brance, then the entire constitution is in jeopardy. The judical would have a gun to its head. What is more, the districts that have these judical seats vacant are a drain on the rest of the country. Their cases need to be moved elsewhere. This taxes everyone.
What then can be done? The filibuster is not a necessary part of our political system. However, it is not something that is necessary to totally remove. However, it is necessary to somehow change the rules so that something that is as important as our judges is not subject to this rediculous posturing. There is no need to put the country through any danger so that some politician can relate, move for move, his last chess game. This hurts our country. A politician is supposed to serve the people, not flex political muscle over sour grapes.

Disagree? Prove me wrong.