Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Capitalism in Crisis

There is no doubt about it any more. The Clarke Howards of the world my deny all they like, but there is a truly fundamental struggle going on, not only to save our once vibrant economy, but also to save our way of doing economics. The danger, unfortunately, does not merely lie in the lap of the economy. The danger lies in the lap of the electorate. This upcoming election is about more than hope or change or Bush or anything that esoteric. this election is a referendum on capitalism itself.

Capitalism is basically free market enterprise. When the markets are allowed to regulate themselves, the theory is that they will keep themselves in check. That was the way our economy was structured. But it is not without its flaws. Capitalism makes a virtue out of greed. It insists that whoever makes the most profit is in fact the winner. This has had dire consequences in the past. The robber barons and oppressive labor conditions of America's Gilded Age spring readily to mind. But that is but one example of where capitalism can go wrong.

Standing in opposition to capitalism is socialism. Socialism is a theory made popular by the German philosopher Karl Marx. He stated that the workers of the world were far too oppressed. He was right, by the way. But he went on to state that if the workers of the world were to wrest control of the markets, of the economy itself, from the hands of the capitalists, the men who owned nearly everything, the world would become a Utopic "share and share alike" society. This has some obvious flaws as well. It does not factor in the fact that man is sinful. When given the choice to work or to mooch, man will typically choose mooch. But why is this election so special in this regard?

The question can be answered simply. One candidate is a capitalist, one is a socialist. McCain's strategy is essentially "Let the economy sort it out." Obama wants government to take control of everything. That is socialism. And, in my humble opinion, that is very dangerous. He who ccontrols the purse strings controls the world. When the government controls the economy, it is but a small step from infringing on our other rights. It can deny funds to stations that are not broadcasting its message. It can tell preachers what to say in their pulpits. It will be the end of the first amendment.

Think I'm off base? Look at Sweden. There preachers are forbidden from speaking out against socially acceptable sins, because that is so called "hate speech." While Obama may not intend for this result, it is the natural end of the policies of his social reforms. And for me, that makes him a dangerous candidate. Unfortunately, he will never face this attack because it is politically unacceptable to attack this media darling. Don't believe me? Ask Hillary Clinton. She never got traction because the media poohpoohed her claims. The same thing is happening to McCain. Therefore, this blog supports McCain. This blog is about free speech. It is impossible to have free speech without a free marketplace.

Disagree? Prove me wrong.



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